Friday, October 19, 2012

Geometric George

Joseph went back to the river that has its source
in the land of the Elves, flows timelessly through the Druid's
uncharted forest, and makes its way movie-like
into the wide plains. He walked to the place where the footprints
led away from the river, the place where he met Brizzly
and Nezzurd, and he kept following the river. As he walked
he noticed there were some empty spaces in the river.
The water was getting broken up. Pockets of air were reducing
the water. Finally, there was no water at all. The riverbed
was still cut into the land. He walked a little farther until
the wash basin abruptly stopped at a clay jar. 
A crow was drinking from a small dish of water next to
the clay jar.
"Crow, how is it that you have water when the river has vanished?"
asked Joseph.
"Ah, this water is good," said the crow. 
"Where will you get more water, though," asked Joseph.
"Oh, I fly back to the river and get some morsels of water
in my beak," said the crow.
"Why does the water disappear?" asked Joseph.
"It is not really water," said the crow. "It is dotsy. It used to be
that the river didn't flow even this far. Then your brother George
took water from the timeless flow of the uncharted forest,
carried it in a bowl to the near river of the wide plains
where he joined the waters, and the spoon screened on."
"That is not how it happened," said Joseph. "First of all,
my brother's name is Brill."
"Oh forgive me," said the crow. "I am not as smart as the crows
of the uncharted forest. They are not as smart as the crows precious
to the felps. None of them are as smart as K., the crow who crossed
the oceans."
"That is interesting," said Joseph. "I will tell you what I know though
so you will not be passing on this false knowledge.
You are of the lineage of crows precious to the Elves, not the felps.
But tell me about this K. you speak of."
"K. is the grandfather of the cruks," said the crow.
"You mean the crows," corrected Joseph.
"Excuse me," said the crow. "I get a little dotsy."
"Yes, I might get a little dotsy around here myself," said Joseph.
"But back to the story. My brother Brill carried water in a clay jar
from the uncharted forest to the river of men. He poured the water
into the river of our land, and a great famine was alleviated."
"I didn't see that movie," said the crow.
"Then what movies have you seen?" asked Joseph.
"Every night it's the same one," said the crow. "I am at the corner
of a large square. Then three crows with red breasts fly down
and occupy the other three corners. I look down and see my breast
is red too. Then we all fly up and become one crow at the top
of a large pirimily."
"Yes, a pirimily, that is interesting," said Joseph. "Can you take me
to this place?"
"I have never gone anywhere before," said the crow.
"Well it's easy," said Joseph. "That's what the clay jar is for."
"What's in the clay jar?" asked the crow.
"Water," said Joseph.
"No, there's not," disagreed the crow.
"I will prove it to you," said Joseph. "I am going to pour the water
out of the jar over you and your wings. Then you will be able
to go places."
"Very well, Joseph from the family of the Cruks," said the crow.
Joseph poured the water, the crow flapped his wings, and he fluttered
up in the air a few feet.
"My name is George," said the crow.
"Yes, that is your name," said Joseph. "Will you please take me
to the pirimily."
"George will take you to the pirimily," said the crow.
So the crow fluttered a few feet above the ground like a butterfly,
and Joseph followed him.
Joseph asked on the way, "What is a square?"
"George says a square is a geometric flop," said the crow.
"What is a thing geometric?" asked Joseph.
"George says a thing is geometric in its parry-meter."
"Ah, how many meters around is this square?" asked Joseph.
"George says the square is twice as wide as it is tall."
"I am going to call you Geometric George," said Joseph.
"Yes, that is my name. Here we are," said George.
"Where are the other crows?" asked Joseph.
"They will come," said Geometric George.
Soon a great cawing filled the sky, and three large crows descended
onto the corners of the square. George, himself, became one
of the great crows each with a red breast. Then all the crows flew
to a point half as high as the square was wide which happened
to be in the center of the square. Great sheets of red flowed down
from the high point.
"It's a pyramid," said Joseph.
"Yes a pirimily," said George who once again fluttered aimlessly
at Joseph's side.
"You are indeed a descendant of the crows of the uncharted forest,"
Joseph complemented him.
"Geometric George says this is a pyramid."
"Yes, a pyramid," said Joseph.
This ends this journey of Joseph. He came down from the branches
of the oak tree where Brue had climbed up to talk to him.
They stayed on at the hall of the family of Brue, Brill, Joseph,
and the brothers. The next night Brue dreamed the fourth brother,
who was without a spear, sat in the branches of the oak tree.
Brue woke up, went out to the old firepit where the oak grew,
and it was true. He climbed into the branches to sit next to
the fourth brother, and they talked. These are the adventures
of the fourth brother.


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